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The Montana Department of Commerce said it awarded $240,000 in grants to the Blackfeet Tribe and the Little Shell Tribe of Chippewa Indians of Montana to support economic development projects in their communities.

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The grants, which were awarded through the Montana Department of Commerce's Tribal Business Development Grant (TBDG) program, will be used to fund a variety of projects, including:

  • The Blackfeet Tribe will receive $140,000 to renovate a tribally owned mini mall in East Glacier. The renovation will include replacing the roof, repairing floor joists, and replacing lighting. The tribe also plans to purchase furniture, fixtures, equipment, signage, and log siding for the mall.
  • The Little Shell Tribe of Chippewa Indians of Montana will receive $100,000 to construct a commercial building in Belgrade. The building will be leased to Blue Ribbon Nets, a business owned by Little Shell Tribal Enterprises, LLC, the economic development arm of the Little Shell Tribe.

"These grants will help to boost economic development in Montana's tribal communities," said Scott Osterman, Director of the Montana Department of Commerce. "They will create jobs, improve infrastructure, and support businesses that are creating economic opportunity for tribal members."

Marvin Weatherwax, a member of the Blackfeet Tribal Council, said that the grant will help the tribe "with our long-term goals and development of economic prosperity."

Gerald Gray, Tribal Council Chair of the Little Shell Tribe of Chippewa Indians of Montana, said that the grant is "a great opportunity for our tribe to expand economic development and spread opportunity to the region."

The TBDG program is designed to support shovel-ready commercial projects that have the potential to create jobs and boost economic development in Montana's tribal communities. Eligible applicants include Montana's eight tribal governments or tribally owned businesses.