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The Department of Transportation announced a $27 million funding opportunity under the Rural and Tribal Assistance Pilot Program. 

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The grant program was created under the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of 2021, and targets communities with populations of 150,000 or less, or communities outside urban areas. The grant opportunity opened Mar. 18 and continues through April 17, though more opportunities to apply are expected after the fact, per a DOT statement.

These grants are designed to support rural and tribal communities in advancing infrastructure projects through legal, technical, and financial advisory assistance during the pre-development phase, the DOT writes

Grant funds can be used for the range of work before projects become shovel-ready, including feasibility studies, project planning, revenue forecasting, environmental reviews, preliminary design work, economic assessments, and analyses of statutory and regulatory frameworks.

Additionally, funds may be used to explore funding and financing options and evaluate opportunities for private financing and project bundling.

For Native American tribes, the program may provide resources to address infrastructure needs specific to tribal communities. The assistance could help tribes navigate the pre-development phase of infrastructure projects, including technical and legal aspects.

Similar to renewable energy, pre-development funding for tribal projects can be rare and difficult to access, whether because the grants are competitive or require a match. Notably, the Rural and Tribal Assistance Program grants don’t require a match.