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Opinion | Op-Ed

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Guest Opinion. No one doubts the need for more affordable capital to deploy in Indian Country. Unfortunately, there is little data to answer the main questions — how much, what kind and what for — that go along with that need. 

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Imagine having an emergency and calling 911. Then imagine first responders not being able to locate you because your home address isn’t accurately mapped to modern technologies. 

Chris James
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Every November, we celebrate “Native American Heritage Month.” While organizations such as the National Center for American Indian Enterprise Development are focused on honoring and uplifting Native communities year round, the month is a terrific opportunity to reflect on the contributions that American Indians, Alaska Natives and Native Hawaiians have made to our country and economic success.

Joe Biden
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With minor exceptions, preliminary presidential election results showed overwhelming support for Joe Biden in Indian Country.

Janie Hipp
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It is no secret that Indian Country lacks the critical infrastructure it needs for its communities to thrive. 

Levi Rickert
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When I served as executive director of an urban American Indian center, most speaker requests from civic organizations, universities, church groups and schools came between Indigenous Peoples’ Day, also known as Columbus Day, and Thanksgiving. 

Zach Ducheneaux
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For over 30 years, the Intertribal Agriculture Council has sought to improve tribal economies through the thoughtful and sustainable use of our natural resources. 

Chris James
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Though it may be cliché, it is certainly the case that 2020 may very well be the most important election of our lifetimes. 

Ben Nighthorse Campbell
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As an enrolled member of the Northern Cheyenne Tribe in Montana, I know what poverty looks like because I grew up with it.

Joe Boomgaard
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Welcome to Tribal Business News, a new independent digital publication from Indian Country Media, the parent company of Native News Online